Hi! I’m Dr Hayley D Quinn. I’m a business coach for service-based business owners. I’m a former clinical psychologist with almost two decades of experience. I have presented in various settings both in Australia and overseas on topics relating to compassion and well-being. I have also had the pleasure of co-hosting Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) training with the Founder of CFT, Prof Paul Gilbert, OBE.
My style is warm, compassionate and humorous. I have skills in connecting with my audience and attending to the needs of the groups I work with. I draw on my extensive clinical and life experience to deliver training that is meaningful and applicable for my audience, always considering that we are all human first.
Some of my previous trainings have included:
Compassion Focused Therapy for Trauma: Caring for the Client and the Therapist – 2 day training Australia co-hosted with Dr Lisa McLean – In person (Annual training)
Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy – 3 day training Australia co-hosted with Prof Paul Gilbert – In person
Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy – 3 day training – Singapore – In person
Compassion Focused Therapy Masterclass 1 day training Australia co-hosted with Prof Paul Gilbert – In person
Foundations of Compassion Focused Therapy – Webinar format
Practitioner self-care during the Covid-19 pandemic – Webinar format
Personal practice workshops for university staff – In person
Compassion and the Importance of Self-Care workshop for helping professionals – In person
If you are interested in discussing training needs for your organisation, I’d love to chat so please reach out for further details. My preference is for face-to-face training, however training can also be provided online via Zoom.
If you’d like further information or have any questions regarding how I can assist you, please feel free to reach out to me
The Welcome to Self™ Compassionate Prompt Journal is designed for therapists and is a resource to assist you to come back to yourself.
How I found my passion in compassion and why it’s proved so helpful
I took somewhat of a windy road to get where I am today. I did not achieve well at school and left early. I certainly
The story behind the flower
There’s a story behind my logo and I’d like to share it with you. When I was trying to decide on a logo, I knew
Could there be wisdom in depression?
Depression can lie to you, can tell you you’re a burden, tell you that people don’t really care, tell you that everyone is too busy